Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Good Morning My loves,

Or should I say good afternoon. My days and nights are turned around. Gotta fix that. I love early mornings.
Wish I could have a big old cuppa with the 2 of you. And we could drink Merlot and help Blondie pack, and hear about the field trip... and I could bemoan my Gypsy status. It's a stormy day here, and since the BAMBOO ()&*)( decided not to pay me for the weeks and weeks of work I did for them, kind of a scramble. Just means more freelancing.

Usually life is an adventure... you never know what or who is around the corner... but some days you just WISH you had a cozy fire and your two best girls. Don't have a lot of time. Just wanted you to know I was thinkin' bout ya.


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