Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Wednesday!!!

Good morning, girlies!
Hope this finds you both having slept well and looking forward to a new day.
I am working on the old cup of coffee and thinking about the day and how many things that need to be done this week. Wow! A busy one! I wish I were an octopus! A little, no alot overwhelmed! Ugh! The field trips were great yesterday, but I am still trying to get the sprinkles out of the carpet.

Blondie, I wanted to let you know that you inspired me to get a new do! And the funny thing is that I was so aggravated with my hair that I put it in a ponytail, ran out to the backyard where Dana was working on his flowers, turned around and said,
"Cut above the rubberband." He look at me in horror and said,"Are you sure! What if I mess you up?" I said, " It will be fine. Beth told me all about how to do this...You can't mess it up." Welllll......LOL
Funny thing is, Beth was talking about Meg Ryan doing this in a movie and how after you do it, when it falls, it will be straight and in layers. But, Beth forgot to tell me that you put the ponytail like a spout on top of your head, not down your back. Needless to say, an appointment with Rebecca or Tina is gonna have to happen at some time this week to straighten this out..And clippies are wonderful to hide things.....LOL...Damn that Meg Ryan! She probably had a stunt double and Jose Eber actually did the cutting...LOL....Poor Dana was horrified at the poor lifeless ponytail that fell to the ground. I don't think he will ever do that again no matter how much I beg....LOL
Thought this would give you both a chuckle just picturing the whole scenario.
Good thing is...Hair does grow back...LOL

Gypsy, be careful today in this weather...I think it is going to be pretty bad where you are. And know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am always here if you need to talk. I am so sorry for what the Bamboo people did to you. But you know, Karma is lovely! They'll get theirs....Maybe in the form of a huge pack of escaped Pandas from the New Orleans Zoo. ( I know this is not even a remote probability, but isn't it fun to just picture it? LOL )

Blondie, I hope your move is progressing well and the critters are tamed.
You can always put crisco around the top rim of a full sink of water with cheese floating on a little styrofoam boat in the middle and attempt to drown them....yes, I tried this many moons ago while in the trailer on Mosley Road...LOL..I thought Aubrey would never stop laughing at me that I thought this would actually work. I thought it was brilliant at the time...they would dive in for the cheese and when trying to get back out, the crisco would keep them slipping back into the water...oh my gosh, this sounds so stupid even as I type this...I am laughing so hard at the memory of it! You talk about mice issues! Every Spring when Freddie disked up the fields, they ran straight for that old trailer and tormented me! I will never forget the sight of a HUGE field rat standing upright in my pantry taking down a bag of chocolate chips with it's jaws stuffed like a chipmunk! I screamed like a Banshee and of course sleeping beauty never woke up. It just ambled out of the pantry, mouth full of chocolate chips, looking at me like I was crazy! And I can remember sitting up in bed in the middle of the night every time I would hear a trap go off and yelling, " Yes!!!!"
Of course, sleeping beauty never woke up for that either! LOL And, spraying a whole can of plumbing foam around the pipe under the kitchen sink because I was convinced that's where they were coming in and not realizing that it would grow and it looked like Jaba The Hut under my kitchen sink. I just covered it up with some nice Green checked ( yes, I said checked Dana! ) shelf liner and hoped that Aubrey wouldn't notice the next time he had to fix the pipes...hearing him yell when he did was priceless!!!! :) Smiling here at the memory of it...:)

So, I know exactly what you are going through, Blondie...Maybe one day you will be able to chuckle at them memory of it all. Those things will truly test your sanity!

Love you both!
Have a great day!

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