Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Moon Musings for a Brand New Year

Dear Hearts,

I feel ashamed that I have fallen so far behind on my blogging duties. BLONDIE... the water slide sounded awesome!!! How much fun... I wanna do that! Candygirl, I am having right now at this moment a delish strawberry cupcake with light. You were so sweet to do all of that for me and I appreciate it. Blondie, I can't speak for you cuz we havent seen you but I have noticed something about Canygirl and myself... we are changing... and I know that life is a constant state of evolution anyway, but this is a " more comfortable in our skins and our place in the world" changes. I have noticed that in our red headed girl and know it to be true of myself.

The Hotel is a pain in the ass! Good thing I have new clients. Hopefully one that will lead me to the UK this Summer, where I will be staying a while.

I am glad everyone's babies are doing good. I am so proud of my boy for hanging on and learning and finding his way. He is truly and kind kind soul and that makes me happier than anything in the world.

Blondie J's wedding dress is beautiful. Where has the time gone? Although I like getting older. I really do. You learn so much of what does and doesnt work and what YOU'RE worth, what you can put up with and what you WILL NOT put up with.

NOW... my Mr Big....

I am not saying who he is, he just popped back in my life and when he did I felt like a physical punch to the gut. I have NEVER ever responded to a man this way... butterflies are an understatement. He and I have been thru a lot the past 5 years.
And we will see. I do know this... I would follow this man anywhere... anywhere just to be by his side.
Maybe ya'll can figure it out be he is very hush hush... he is on my FB though. Blondie so proud of you for working out!! We all need a little healthy competition to spur us on. I would love to have a photographer take some

pictures of the 3 of us... the blonde, the red head and the brunette... we can all dress in black and white. Wouldnt that be fun and a great keepsake for this very special time in our lives.

Well my girls, we will see what this year brings for all of us. I hope we continue to explore and dream and dance neath the new moon... we are a long way from old... let's grab it while we can

Much Love,


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